Saturday, June 30, 2007


Have you ever wondered how things in your life can change so quickly? How things you thought were going to happen- don't, and how confusing it can all be, no matter how bad someone tries to explain it to you. I don't know even know if any of that made sense, but to me it did. You learn that people who you thought would always be there-won't and people who you thought you could trust-you can't. It's hard to trust again, but there are friends, family, and God who DO love you more than anything. Don't give up on ALL just because a FEW have let you down. We have to plunge into the unknown with some measure of faith. We put our faith to the test, trusting that God will bring about the best for our lives. This means, we can't give up when times are hard. It's never going to be easy....I always heard that nothing good comes easy. Nonbelievers are hesitant to trust Jesus because they do not know him. He is the ultimate provider! Really sit and think about it....we think we are so lonely or that nobody understands us, but that is when we need to pull close to him. He WILL fulfill those missing pieces in your life. I heard from a really good friend, that those are the times that we need to spend more time with Him. Pull closer and really get connected with Him. I have felt God more than ever in the last month, but I also know that I've spent more time with Him and being understanding of what's going on in my life instead of giving up or not trying to understand. Forgiveness, faith, and love are some of the things I have been struggling with lately. I'm trying so hard to understand why people have done what they have, and trying to still have faith in things that are easy to give up on. Sometimes deep roots of hurt prevail and bitterness tightens its grip on your spirit and makes reconciliation very difficult. God tells us to forgive as he has forgiven us. I've definately seen that God has done some amazing things in me, because He's helped me handle certain situations in ways that I probably never would have before. God's got a reason for doing everything, we may not know the reason, but there is. I know this is stuff that we have all heard before, but I know that I never really sat and thought about it until certain things went on in my life and I realized how strong I was. There is still so much more I want to talk about, but I know this is getting long and I've got some stuff I have to do before bed! I hope I didn't confuse you too much, but I'll finish later! Night!


marme said...

you are a precious girl and i am so very proud of the young woman of God you are becoming. character is being perfected in you and years from now you WILL look back and understand the grand scheme of things. love you girl.